Navigating Rejection: What to Do When You Didn't Get Accepted into Your Dream BFA Musical Theater Program


Receiving a rejection letter from your dream BFA musical theater program can be devastating. The emotional toll it takes is profound, leaving you feeling unworthy, invalidated, and questioning your future in the industry. This blog post aims to walk you through this difficult moment, addressing both the emotional impact and the practical steps forward. While it's okay to acknowledge the pain of this rejection, it's crucial to shift our mindset and focus on the actionable steps that can propel you forward in your musical theater journey.

The Emotional Side: Holding Space for Your Feelings

Let's first address the emotional weight of this rejection. It's natural to feel like your dreams are crumbling and that your hard work hasn't paid off. This might be the first time you've faced such a significant setback in your career, and it hurts deeply. It's essential to acknowledge these feelings and allow yourself to grieve the loss of what you had hoped for. However, I urge you to shift the narrative from "rejection" to "not getting accepted."

Changing the Narrative

Every audition in this industry comes with a high chance of receiving a "no." Viewing each "no" as a rejection can take a toll on your mental and emotional well-being. Remember, this is not a reflection of your talent or worth as an artist. There are myriad reasons why a particular program might not have extended an offer—it could be as random as needing more diversity or balancing class demographics.

Understanding the Industry Realities

Having worked in musical theater as both a performer and educator, I've seen countless talented individuals face similar disappointments. It's a tough industry, and rejection is a common companion. Consider this moment as a lesson—an opportunity to learn and grow. Instead of dwelling on "failure," focus on what insights you can glean from this experience. Perhaps there are areas of improvement you can work on, or maybe it's just a matter of timing and fit.


The Practical Side: Exploring Your Options

Now, let's delve into the practical steps you can take to move forward. Remember, your path in the musical theater world is unique to you. Avoid getting caught up in societal pressures or online noise about what you "should" do. Here are three options to consider:

Option 1: Explore Alternative Programs

Assessing Your Acceptances:

Did you receive acceptances to other programs? While it might not be your top choice, other programs could offer valuable training and experiences. Whether it's a BA in theater or a different BFA program, evaluate each offer based on its alignment with your goals. Consider factors such as curriculum, faculty, location, and financial feasibility.

Bridging the Gap:

Even if these programs weren't your initial dream, they can serve as stepping stones in your journey. Remember, many successful performers have taken varied paths to reach their goals. Think of this as an opportunity to broaden your horizons and acquire diverse skills.

Option 2: Non-College Training Programs

Exploring Certificate Programs:

Are there specialized training programs outside of traditional colleges? Certificate programs often offer intensive training in specific areas of musical theater, such as voice, dance, and acting. While you won't earn a degree, you'll gain valuable skills and industry connections.

Online Training:

In today's digital age, online training programs have become increasingly popular. These programs provide flexibility and access to top-notch instructors from anywhere in the world. Whether it's voice lessons, acting workshops, or career coaching programs, there's a wealth of resources available online.

Learn about my program The Empowered (musical theatre) Actor

Navigating a career in musical theatre can often feel overwhelming, unstable, and lonely. Having supported hundreds of performers in navigating the business and emotional facets of this industry, I offer guidance with confidence and clarity.

If you're seeking a career coach who understands the importance of longevity and sustainability in an industry that can be both toxic and confusing—especially with the increasing shift to online auditions, casting, and the need for a strong digital presence—consider exploring how I can assist you. Schedule a free consultation with me here.

Option 3: Taking a Gap Year

Evaluating the Gap Year:

A gap year can provide a valuable pause for self-reflection and growth. Use this time to immerse yourself in training, auditioning, or exploring other interests. Traveling, taking workshops, or working on personal projects can also enrich your artistic journey.

Reapplying and Reevaluating:

If your heart is still set on that dream BFA program, consider reapplying after a gap year. Use this time to refine your skills, build your resume, and gain valuable life experiences. A gap year isn't a setback—it's a strategic pause to ensure you're ready for the next step.

Your Journey, Your Choice

In the end, the decision rests with you. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to navigating a career in musical theater. Whether you choose an alternative program, a specialized training course, or a gap year of exploration, trust that you are charting your path.

Final Thoughts:

Receiving a rejection from your dream BFA musical theater program is undoubtedly a challenging moment. However, it's crucial to remember that this setback does not define your worth or talent. The musical theater industry is filled with twists and turns, and resilience is key.

Moving Forward:

I hope this blog post has provided you with valuable insights and options for your next steps. Remember, you are not alone in this journey. Reach out to mentors, industry professionals, or consider seeking one-on-one coaching to further explore your options.

Embracing the Journey:

Your life in musical theater is a marathon, not a sprint. Embrace the highs and lows, learn from each experience, and keep your passion alive. Whether you're performing on Broadway, touring the country, or starring in local productions, your dedication and love for the art will guide you.

If you have any questions or would like to explore coaching options further, feel free to reach out. Here's to your continued success and resilience in the world of musical theater. Cheers to the next act in your extraordinary journey!

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Ashlee Espinosa is an accomplished theatre professional with a Master of Fine Arts in Musical Theatre. With her expertise as an experienced actress, passionate educator, and dedicated career advisor, she helps artists build fulfilling lives and careers based on their definition of success.


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